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The Afro-Semitic Experience

The Afro Semitic Experience Maurice Robertson photo credit.jpg

The Afro-Semitic Experience is an American roots jazz band with a difference.  Founded in 1998 by pianist Warren Byrd and bassist David Chevan, they are a group of Jewish-American and African American musicians who have been performing, recording, and teaching together for over 25 years.  Their friendship ignites their passion and purpose: Together, as a band, they merge their musical roots, Jewish and Afro-diasporic melodies and grooves, combining the core concepts of ase and shalom - power, action, unity, and peace. Their music embodies the radical notion that people of different faiths, races, and beliefs can come together through music; to celebrate and build community.  The result is what one music journalist called, "a whoopin', hollerin', testifyin' celebration of multicultural soul music. Imagine Charles Mingus sitting in with a Klezmer band, playing Gospel music set to the polyrhythmic pace of congas and bongos."

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